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Kids Books Blog

Rediscovering Your Favorite Childhood Reads: A Nostalgic Journey
April 14, 2023 Nadiyah Patel

Rediscovering Your Favourite Childhood Reads: A Nostalgic Journey

We, at Books2Door, understand your need to make sure your children grow up reading the same literary classics that you did. That is precisely why we have curated this listicle where we take a walk down the memory lane and take you through all the literary classics we know you loved as a child. 
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  • Celebrating Diversity: Top LGBTQ+ Books for Young Adults
    June 1, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Celebrating Diversity: Top LGBTQ+ Books for Young Adults

    Pride Month is here, and at Books2Door, we couldn't be more excited! We're bouncing off the walls with joy to share our fantastic collection of LGBTQ+ books for young adults with you, our fabulous community. We know you're just as pumped to dive in and celebrate Pride as best as possible. But hey, we totally get it – sometimes, the excitement can leave you wondering where to start. No worries, we've got you covered! So, everybody, get ready to explore some fantastic reads that celebrate diversity and love. Let the Pride festivities begin!
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  • Mindful Reading: Books to Help Cultivate a Positive Mental Space for children
    May 23, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Mindful Reading: Books to Help Cultivate a Positive Mental Space for children

    As parents, witnessing our children thrive and flourish is an unparalleled joy! The journey of seeing them grow, smile, and navigate the world is a treasure beyond measure. And it all starts with creating and maintaining a nurtured and positive mental space for our little ones.

    At Books2Door, we understand the profound impact of a positive mental space on a child's development. That's why we're passionate about providing a selection of books that entertain, enlighten, and empower young minds. Head to our Children's Mental Health Books Collection and cultivate a positive mental space for your little one.

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  • 10 Books Every Child Should Read
    May 14, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    10 Books Every Child Should Read

    Join us at Books2Door to celebrate this Children's Day in style. We offer an excellent selection of must-reads that will intrigue your little ones, provide intellectual enjoyment, and help you connect with them as you understand their preferences and interests....

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  • From Page to Screen: Unforgettable Book-to-Movie and TV Adaptations!
    May 12, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    From Page to Screen: Unforgettable Book-to-Movie and TV Adaptations!

    Join us at Books2Door as we explore the books that perfectly engage in this dialogue and transport you to different worlds, capturing the essence of your visual imagination. For those who have already experienced these stories in motion, delve deeper into the books to discover all the nuances and intricate details that the films couldn't include.
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  • May the Fourth Be With You: Exploring Star Wars Books and Beyond
    May 4, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    May the Fourth Be With You: Exploring Star Wars Books and Beyond

    Whether you're a Sheldon or a Penny, or perhaps you know someone more of a Chewbacca or a Yoda, we've got you covered this Star Wars day! Join us at Books2Door as we take you into our Star Wars collection and find the perfect Force to be with you! 

    Now, if you're looking to introduce your young padawans to the galaxy far, far away, look no further cause we've got you. Let's begin with something simple yet nothing less than fascinating, shall we? We recommend the Star Wars Jedi Academy 7 Books Collection by Jeffrey Brown & Jarrett J. Krosoczka. Perfect for fans of comic-book fiction, such as Captain Underpants

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  • A guide to build your comic book collection
    May 4, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    A guide to build your comic book collection

    Building a comic book collection is therapeutic; trust us! Now, picture curating a selection of books, each holding a special place in your heart. Every trip to the bookstore becomes an adventure as you search for the next addition to your precious collection. And who knows? One day, you could even pass on your fondness for comic books and your collection to someone who will enjoy it just as much as you do.
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  • Books That Champion the Working Class: A May Day Reading List
    May 1, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Books That Champion the Working Class: A May Day Reading List

    A joyous May Day to you! As we celebrate this special day to honour the workers and the labour movement we admire, appreciate, and respect, let us find a way to pay tribute to the individuals who have tirelessly contributed to making our lives easier and inspiring us to preserve, stay resilient and above all, stay vocal for what is right! 

    How? Well, we're thinking of the most bookworm-friendly approach! How about diving into works of literature from various periods centred around the working class? Literature has consistently proven to be the ultimate tool, so why not take this opportunity to utilise it and explore books that centre on the working class? These literary gems explore recurring themes such as rural isolation, poverty, low wages, abuse, and disadvantage, but above all, they illuminate themes of hope and resilience. Let's immerse ourselves in these beautiful literary pieces and awaken our social consciousness on this significant day, shall we?

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  • Embracing History Through Literature: Prepare for The Tattooist of Auschwitz Series
    April 30, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Embracing History Through Literature: Prepare for The Tattooist of Auschwitz Series

    With the highly anticipated The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris set to air as a TV series, our excitement is boundless. Now seems like the perfect moment to delve back into this extraordinary novel. 

    Rooted in the harrowing truths of history, this novel captures our hearts with its portrayal of pain and endurance. Morris's narrative crafts a vivid tableau of life within the horrid confines of Auschwitz-Birkenau's camps, making the anticipation of seeing these words transformed into moving images onscreen indescribably intense. 

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  • Celebrating the Art of Storytelling: A Journey Through Imagination and History
    April 27, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Celebrating the Art of Storytelling: A Journey Through Imagination and History

    At Books2Door, we are passionate about extending beyond the simple act of reading to embrace the full spectrum of storytelling. Our mission intertwines storytelling with reading, leveraging both to offer children some valuable experiences of the world. We believe stories from around the globe enrich young minds, nurturing an appreciation for the diverse cultural significance and traditions stories carry. With National Tell A Story Day approaching on the 27th of this month, we invite you to join our celebration.
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  • Journey into Sensory Discovery: Enhancing Childhood Exploration with Sensory Books
    April 25, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Journey into Sensory Discovery: Enhancing Childhood Exploration with Sensory Books

    Have you ever wondered why children put everything in their mouths? We have, too. Why would they pick up EVERYTHING and put it in their mouth, of all places?

    Well, we did some digging and discovered that this seemingly peculiar behaviour is actually not so strange. In fact, did you know that it's part of a developmental stage known as the oral sensory phase? Apparently, children learn about texture, taste, temperature, and hardness by exploring objects with their hands, and mouths. 

    Indeed, infants and young children primarily discover their world through all of their senses. And we've got something to introduce to them that's a lot more fun and safe than random mouthfuls. It's designed to stimulate their senses and enhance their learning.

    Enter Books2Door's Sensory Books Collection, your premier destination for selecting sensory books for your children! Explore our carefully curated collection of sensory books thoughtfully designed to support your children's development and learning. Plus, discover why these books should be a staple on their bookshelves.

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