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World Environment Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day, celebrated on 5th June every year, provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the significance of environmental conservation and sustainability. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of teaching children about the environment and suggest three remarkable books that can facilitate meaningful conversations about environmental awareness and activism: the Earth Friends series by Holly Webb, the Little People Big Dreams book about Greta Thunberg, and The Lorax by Dr Seuss.

Over World Environment Day, 5th June 2023, we at Books2Door are giving away a free book with any purchase made on that day. This free book is the former World Book Day book Protect the Planet! By Jess French. Jess French is best known for her CBeebies show Minibeast Adventure with Jess. As well as being a TV presenter she has also published numerous novels that usually focus on the themes of animals, nature and the environment. 

Teach Through Books

As we strive to create a greener future, it is essential to educate and inspire the next generation to become environmental stewards. One powerful way to achieve this is through books. Children's literature has the unique ability to captivate young minds, ignite their curiosity, and instil a love for the natural world. 

In today's rapidly changing world, it is crucial to empower children with knowledge and inspire them to take action for a sustainable future. By introducing environmental concepts early on, we can foster a sense of responsibility, empathy, and a desire to protect our planet. Teaching children about the environment helps them develop a deep connection with nature, promotes critical thinking, and encourages them to make informed choices.

Books play a vital role in this educational journey. They provide a platform for children to explore complex environmental issues in an accessible and engaging way. Through relatable characters, captivating stories, and beautiful illustrations, books can spark curiosity, ignite conversations, and inspire positive change.

Little People Big Dreams: Greta Thunberg

Little People Big Dreams: Greta Thunberg book

The Little People Big Dreams series introduces children to inspiring individuals who have made a significant impact on the world. The book dedicated to Greta Thunberg, the Swedish environmental activist, is a powerful tool for teaching children about climate change, activism, and the importance of raising one's voice to protect the environment.

Through vibrant illustrations and age-appropriate storytelling, young readers discover Greta's journey from a concerned schoolgirl to a global advocate for climate action. This book serves as an excellent conversation starter, encouraging children to think about their own role in creating a sustainable future and empowering them to make a difference, no matter their age. 

Get Greta Thunberg’s Little People Big Dreams book along with four other unstoppable women in our Groundbreaking Women 5 book gift set. The set also includes Malala Yousafzai, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Michelle Obama and Dolly Parton. 

The Lorax by Dr Seuss

Dr Seuss The Lorax

The Lorax by Dr Seuss is a timeless classic that addresses the consequences of environmental destruction and emphasizes the importance of environmental stewardship. Through vivid illustrations and rhythmic prose, Dr Seuss tells the tale of the Once-ler, who disregards the warnings of the Lorax and destroys the Truffula trees, resulting in devastating consequences for the environment.

This poignant story prompts children to reflect on the value of nature, the impact of human actions, and the importance of preserving biodiversity. The Lorax not only teaches children about the environment but also imparts a valuable lesson about taking responsibility for our actions and being mindful of the choices we make. Get The Lorax and other Dr Seuss classics in our A Classic Case of Dr Seuss 20 books collection set

Earth Friends Series by Holly Webb

Holly Webb Earth Friends Trilogy

The Earth Friends series by Holly Webb is a collection of enchanting stories that celebrate the wonders of nature and promote environmental consciousness. Each book in the series explores a different environmental theme, such as wildlife conservation, recycling, or protecting our oceans. By weaving these topics into engaging narratives, Webb skillfully imparts valuable lessons to young readers.

The Earth Friends series by Holly Webb is a delightful collection of books that combines engaging storytelling with important environmental themes. This series consists of four titles: Fair Fashion, River Rescue, Green Garden, and Pet Protection. Each book tackles a specific environmental issue, providing young readers with valuable lessons about sustainability, conservation, and the responsible treatment of our planet.

In Fair Fashion, readers join Earth Friends on a journey to promote ethical and sustainable fashion choices. The story follows Ava, Katie, and Josh as they organise a fashion show to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of fast fashion. Through their adventures, children learn about the importance of reducing waste, supporting fair trade practices, and making mindful clothing choices.

River Rescue transports readers to the banks of a polluted river, where the Earth Friends embark on a mission to restore its health. Joined by their trusty dog, Finn, the friends learn about the harmful effects of pollution and the significance of protecting our waterways. This book teaches children the importance of responsible waste disposal, the impact of plastic pollution on aquatic life, and the role they can play in preserving our rivers and oceans.

In Green Garden, the Earth Friends explore the wonders of gardening and the benefits of growing your own food. Through their experiences, children discover the joys of nurturing plants, the importance of biodiversity, and the positive impact of organic gardening practices on the environment. This book encourages young readers to connect with nature, understand the food production process, and make environmentally conscious choices.

Pet Protection focuses on Earth Friends' mission to promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare. This book teaches children about the needs and rights of animals, the importance of adopting pets from shelters, and the significance of treating animals with kindness and respect.

With their engaging narratives and relatable characters, the Earth Friends series by Holly Webb provides an accessible and enjoyable way for children to learn about environmental issues. These books empower young readers to become Earth Friends themselves, promoting environmental stewardship and inspiring positive change in their own lives and communities.

Become Eco Warriors 

As we celebrate World Environment Day, let us recognise the crucial role that children play in shaping a sustainable future. By introducing them to books that explore environmental themes, we can inspire a sense of wonder, ignite their passion for the natural world, and empower them to become environmental advocates.

The Earth Friends series by Holly Webb, the Little People Big Dreams book about Greta Thunberg, and The Lorax by Dr Seuss are just a few examples of books that can facilitate conversations about the environment with children. Through these stories, children can learn about wildlife conservation, climate activism, and the importance of making environmentally responsible choices. Take a look at our vast range of books to help teach your children and yourself about the environment. From nature books to animal books and books about natural history, there is something for all ages and all interests. 

By nurturing a love for nature and environmental awareness in children, we can cultivate a generation that is committed to protecting our planet. Let us embrace the power of books and celebrate World Environment Day by inspiring young minds to become champions of the environment. Together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future for all.

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