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5 Things To Do With The Kids This Christmas

5 Things To Do With The Kids This Christmas


  1.       Go to a Christmas event near you

If you live in London or are close by, there’s a whole array of different festive events happening this year. From the festive-favourite Winter Wonderland to meeting Father Christmas, there’s something to please everyone, no matter what your age.

Use Visit England’s handy tool to find a Christmas event near you.

  1.       Read a festive favourite together

From Mr Men’s classic Christmas collection to modern favourites like Tom Fletcher’s illustrated bestselling books, nothing compares to snuggling up with a warm blanket and a good book. Read our winter book recommendations to read with the kids here.


  1.       Wrap up presents together

Presents should look just as good on the outside as the inside! Give these creative gift-wrapping ideas with the kids a go to make wrapping presents more fun and interesting!

  1.       Bake some Christmas treats together

Nothing says Christmas like the smell of cookies or the snap of gingerbread. This BBC page has a great range of fun baking ideas and recipes for children of all ages, including Rudolph Shortbread, Gingerbread People and Snowman Cake.


  1.       Hand-craft your Christmas ornaments

Get hands-on this winter with some festive arts and crafts. Forage in the garden and make pine-cone decorations for the Christmas tree. Or why not create some colourful paper chains that even the smallest of hands can help with? Enjoy the fun and worry about the mess later!


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